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Boosting the Network introduces a transformative way for community members to engage with and enhance the Wayru ecosystem by depositing Tokens into deployed Hotspots, to put them to work for you and the network. Through this initiative, individuals can actively participate in strengthening our network's infrastructure, ensuring robust and widespread internet access.


💎 What is Boosting the Network?

Boosting the Network is an innovative feature within the Wayru ecosystem, designed to empower participants to contribute directly to the expansion and efficiency of the network. By allocating $WAYRU tokens to specific hotspots, individuals secure the network and incentivize Hotspot Operators to up their game. This Token is not just a digital representation but symbolizes the holder's support towards the network's growth. In terms of rewards, Network Boosters earn a share of the extra rewards generated by the hotspot based on the amount of $WAYRU they've deposited.

🛒 How Boost the Network

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how you can become a part of this exciting journey:

  1. Choose Your Hotspot: Browse through the variety of hotspots within our network and select one that resonates with you. Make sure to check the uptime, max concurrent users, and data usage to make a responsible decision before depositing your $WAYRU.
  2. **Deposit $**WAYRU Tokens: Once you've selected a hotspot, deposit up to 10,000 $WAYRU tokens into its dedicated smart contract on the blockchain. This action is akin to planting a seed, where your deposited tokens will foster the growth and health of the hotspot, enhancing the rewards generated per GB shared.
  3. Earn Your Share of Rewards: Your deposit entitles you to a share of the extra rewards generated by the hotspot. The rewards reflect the amount of $WAYRU you've deposited. The more tokens deposited, the higher the rewards!

This structure is meticulously crafted to encourage operators to consistently enhance their hotspot's quality, increasing their potential for higher returns. And for you, it’s an invitation to actively and significantly contribute to our network’s growth.


🔀 Rewards Distribution

$HPT holders are rewarded with **$**WAYRU tokens based on the extra rewards generated by a Hotspot were $WAYRU has been deposited. For example, if a Hotspot with NO $WAYRU deposited makes $0.04 per GB shared, and WITH $WAYRU deposited it now makes $0.06 per GB shared, the extra $0.02 is divided amongst the Network Booster, the Hotspot Operator and the Wayru Foundation.

The Extra Rewards generated are distributed as follows: